Parking Permits Eligibility for Permit Types

Eligibility for Regular permits.

Not all juniors qualify for a Regular permit:

  • A student must have reached junior standing (59 or more units), and not be a first-year student, to reserve a Regular permit for the Fall semester.
  • However, a student must have 72 or more units, and not be a first-year student, to reserve a Regular permit for the Spring semester.

Why are more units required to request this permit for Spring? We have 100 or more sophomores who become “rising juniors” at mid-year, once their Fall semester units are recorded. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to qualify these rising juniors for the Regular permit.

Eligibility limitations for Restricted permits

Not all sophomores and juniors qualify for a Restricted permit:

  • Students who are in their first year of college are not eligible for a Restricted or Regular permit, even though they may have enough units to be considered sophomores or juniors. The online request program might “allow" such students access to submit a request/appeal (since access to the program is based solely upon units on record). However, the request will be denied upon review if the student is in the first year of college.
  • Students who submit a request for a Restricted permit are required to include an appeal on the request form. Such requests are NOT "reserved" in the way that seniors and qualifying juniors can reserve the Regular permit. That is, they are not confirmed through the online process. Rather, Restricted permits are only granted by email from the Housing Director after the appeals have been reviewed. Restricted permits may be granted as early as July, but some may be granted later. Once granted, they are considered "reserved."
  • These permits are restricted in three ways: (1) they are limited in number, (2) they are usually granted only for a single semester (NOT for the entire academic year), and (3) they require the permit holder to park in less-used parking areas on lower or upper campus during business hours Monday-Friday. By utilizing parking space that is less-used on campus, we are able to offer more Restricted permits.
  • Restricted permits will be designated as Upper Restricted or Lower Restricted, as determined by the Housing & Parking Office. Lower Restricted permit holders must park in the Abbott Tennis Court lot or the lowest VK lots (across the road from the Abbott Tennis Court lot. Upper Restricted permit holders will be restricted to upper campus lots.
  • The restricted hours are Monday-Friday from 7:30am - 4:00pm.