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Bay Hallowell

Bay Hallowell-May Gray

Bay Hallowell

May Gray Morning Birdsong
$600.00 Framed; $450.00 Unframed

Email for purchasing inquiries

Artist Statement
Arriving from the east coast of the U. S. twelve years ago, I was intrigued by “May Gray” days in Santa Barbara. Here in California, "May Gray" mornings tend to be cool and soft and foggy—perfect for quiet, contemplative, noticing walks. Recently, a series of large monoprints emerged from my recollections of these walks. I wanted to capture the sense of moving through space at an even pace along favorite routes while observing and savoring familiar sights and sounds, my meditative focus punctuated from time to time by a brief burst of bird song or an unexpected glint of light.

Another source of inspiration for me is those first waking moments, when dreams feel fresh and real but evaporate rapidly. When I make a conscious, gentle effort to retrieve and retain fragments from the dream state, I am rewarded with new insights and understandings.

Artist Bio
State Gallery at Youth Interactive – Truth Be Told, 2019
Santa Barbara Public Library – Word Prints & Ghost Flag Drawings, 2018
Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara – Breathing Space, 2016
Santa Barbara Public Library – Marginalia, 2014
Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara - Chakra Chimes, 2012
Santa Barbara Public Library - Tick Tock (R)evolutions, 2011

Abstract Art Collective – ArtSEE, 2019 – Best in Show
Sullivan Goss Gallery – 100 Grand: 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014 
Westmont-Ridley Tree Museum of Art – Body & Soul, 2019; Night & Day, 2018; Out of Place, 2017; Vital, 2015; Confluence, 2013; Lift, 2012
Community Arts Workshop (CAW) – Print Power 2018
Muckenthaler Arts Center (LA Printmaking Society) – Earth, Air, Fire 2018
Indigo Interiors – The Art of Drawing, 2018
Eagle Rock Art Center (LA Printmaking Society) – California’s Future? 2016 
Santa Barbara Printmakers Exhibitions – 2015 to present 
San Luis Obispo Museum of Art – Pressing Matters, 2016; Pushing the Limits, 2014
Jane Deering Gallery (Santa Barbara) - Flat File Project, 2013
Leslie Sacks Fine Art (LA) - Women’s Art Now, 2013 

Abstract Art Collective, Architectural Foundation of Santa Barbara, Inkspots of Ventura, LA Printmaking Society, Santa Barbara Art Association, Santa Barbara Printmakers 

Bennington College (VT) B.A. – Painting, Drawing, Art Criticism 
University of Pittsburgh M. A. – “Museum Studies and Their Implications for Teaching and Learning in an Art Museum” (thesis)
Education Coordinator/Curator at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh, PA (32 years)
Instructor at Tyler School of Art, Temple University, required graduate seminar, “Contemporary Issues in Art Education” (10 years)

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