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Nancy Rossi  

Nancy Rossi-vessel

Nancy Rossi 

Vessel of Remnants
Mixed media sculpture

Email for purchasing inquiries

Artist Statement
What a wonderful opportunity this was to blend so many tangible examples of past experiences into what I hope is coherent artwork that carries different messages than the original ones. There are physical fragments that are at least 30 years old, and there are some that were made quite recently. I used hardware cloth, handmade paper, text, thread, wire, metal, dyer lint, polymer clay, shibori dyeing, and various painting techniques in making these pieces. It was quite a challenging and exhilarating journey which gave me great pleasure in gathering, editing, and presenting a compilation of work relating to time and memory.

Artist Bio 
Artist, College Professor, Workshop Instructor, Fashion Coordinator, Board Member Art Institutions, Collector, Volunteer,
Westmont Arts Council Member, SBAA, SBPrintmakers, AAC, SBVA member

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