Image of contemporary artwork; half of the work is gray Celotex and the other is wood-grain Formica.


Summer Exhibition
New Acquisitions: Selections from the Modern & Contemporary Collection
July 1 - August 16, 2024

Summer Museum Hours: 10am-4pm M-F
(Closed weekends and college holidays)

Our summer exhibition features recent acquisitions (most within the last five years) of modern and contemporary artwork from a range of artists. Selected artists include Richard Artschwager, Louisiana Bendolph of the Gee's Bend quilters, contemporary Chinese artist Yue Minjun, and numerous local artists.

Modern art (1860s - 1970s) was a response to a rapidly-changing industrial society where artists captured the progressive spirit of the age. They challenged traditional “rules” and materials for art making, and preferred experimentation with new, innovative movements such as Cubism and Expressionism.

Contemporary art, identified as work created in the present day, addresses current events. Artists are global in their scope and address social and political issues, often incorporating new technologies as their media.

Because contemporary art is varied in style, materials and content, visitors can find these works to be intimidating. Spend a few moments in front of each work. Look for rhythms, textures, color, composition, and thought-provoking imagery and know that there is no “one way” to interpret contemporary art.