November 21 - December 21, 2024
Opening Reception: November 21, 4-6pm
Landscape artists for the preservation of California's open spaces. Visit the Oak Group's website for more information. 10% of proceeds will benefit the Oak Group, and 10% of proceeds will benefit the Museum.
Oak Group artists are passionate about nature and committed to preserving local lands for wildlife, recreation, ranching, and farming. Working with conservation groups and landowners, OAK members record the beauty of endangered landscapes, draw attention to protecting them, and through exhibitions raise funds to support their preservation.
The Oak Group was first inspired by conversations between Arturo Tello and Ray Strong back in December, 1985, after they read "Depths of Glory," a historical novel about Pissarro and his painting comrades. The two friends said, "Why couldn't we have such a group?" "Well, why not!" That was the start. Using the example of the Canadian Group of Seven, the O.A.K. Group began with seven members, with O.A.K. standing for "Open Airing Club."
The first meeting was held January 29, 1986. That same year the group had their first three exhibitions in Santa Barbara, adding seven more members. Santa Barbara, with its physical beauty and enlightened population, has a long tradition of attracting and supporting landscape painters. It is this shared spirit of love and concern for the land that gives meaning and purpose to the work of The Oak Group and our role as artists in the community.
After thirty-five years, The Oak Group now has twenty-five active members and over 100 exhibitions that have benefited more than twenty non-profit conservation organizations.
(Click on names to view work)
Meredith Brooks Abbott • Whitney Brooks Abbott • Marcia Burtt
Chris Chapman • John Comer (Emeritus) • Wm. B. Dewey • Rick Drake
Michael Drury • Karen Foster (Emeritus)• Rick Garcia • Carrie Givens
Kevin Gleason • Whitney Brooks Hansen • Jeremy Harper
Kerri Hedden • Tom Henderson • Ray Hunter • John Iwerks
Larry Iwerks • Manny Lopez • William Mitchell • Linda Mutti
Hank Pitcher (Emeritus) • Rob Robinson • Ann Sanders • Richard Schloss
Skip Smith • Ray Strong (In memoriam) • Arturo Tello • Thomas Van Stein
Sarah Vedder • John Wullbrandt

Michael Drury, Winter Afternoon, Pt Conception