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Rosemarie Gebhart

Gebhart Invisible City

Rosemarie Gebhart

Invisible City
Assemblage with found objects, plexiglass
Email for purchasing inquiries

Artist Statement
As an artist, I have responded to creating artwork from found objects - creating mysteries for the viewer to solve and meditate. 

This form of media allows one to insert themselves into my storytelling.

Artist Bio
My greatest desire to become a full time artist has not followed a straight path. A BA degree in Art History from California State University in Los Angeles led to a second degree in nursing. My husband and I experienced a new life change in Arizona upon his retirement for 9 years.

Upon my return to California, I became a docent at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. I continued to further my art education by taking Printmaking Classes at SBCC’s Continuing Education. Under the guidance of my mentor, R. Anthony (Tony) Askew, Professor Emeritus of Art at Westmont College, my art career became a reality. I studied Collage and Assemblage classes with Susan Tibbles and Tony Askew.

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