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Sharon Ko

columns of black and white photos on wall

The Undoing
Film photography, video, and installation
Not for sale

Email for purchasing inquiries

What does liberation look like when our individual and collective bodies, minds, and spirits experience oppression in a broken and unjust world? While interviewing fourteen women from different generations and backgrounds, I asked them each to reflect on their own journeys, from oppression to freedom. Over the course of multiple conversations and photo sessions, each woman chose a concrete object to represent their oppression(s) and physically embody their journey towards liberation. Each person titled their portion of the project, responding to the question: “What is freedom to you?”

My artistic process mirrors this intricate, holistic journey. The intimate and interdisciplinary processes of hand-developed and printed black and white film photography, text, video montage, and installation encapsulate the multi-faceted nature of each person’s story in light of the collective whole. As the artist, I reveal my own embodied exploration, as I both observe and partake in the storytelling of other women’s journeys by way of mixed-media documentation. I investigate the private and public, personal and systemic, ephemeral and permanent, spiritual and physical aspects of oppression and liberation through the limits and generosity of visual narrative. 

-Sharon K

Hear From The Artist!



photo of figure wrapped in yarn


photo of figure standing



photo of figure sitting


photo of two figures with pots



photo of figure wrapped in rope


photo of figure holding another person's hand



Rose Bouquet

photo with figure holding rose bouquet


photo of figure putting a flower crown on another figure


White Paint

photo with figure with white paint bucket


photo of 3 figures standing and holding hands



photo with hand dropping stone in front of figure


photo of figure sitting



figure with outstretched arms holding handbags


photo of figure with handbag


hands holding Bougainvillea over a figure's mouth


photo of figure with flowers in hair

Coconut Oil

hands holding a photograph


photo of hands holding a frame photo and towel



figure standing


photo of figure standing with mud on pants


figure lying on ground wrapped in chains


photo of figure sitting next to chains

Cardboard Box

figure in cardboard box


photo of two figures reading a book



hands wrapped in scarf


photo of two hands

Potato Bags

figure sitting with hands over face


photo of figure with arms outstretched with potato bags at feet


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