The Black Drawings of Duncan Simcoe, 2014-2024 Night Visions

Dark painting with UFO-like vortex in the upper right hovering over a suburban scene.

Night Visions: The Black Drawings of Duncan Simcoe, 2014-2024

August 29 - November 9, 2024
Opening Reception: August 29, 4-6pm

Duncan Simcoe is a Southern California artist and program chair of the College of Architecture, Visual Arts, and Design at California Baptist University in Riverside. He creates his “black drawings” by brushing luminous oil paint onto construction-grade tar paper. The artist works in a limited palette, often consisting of phosphorescent greens and rusty earth tones. When applied to the Stygian surface of the tar paper, the colors emit an eerie glow as if viewed through night vision goggles.

Simcoe's peculiar imagery is left open-ended, allowing for multiple interpretations. Rather than focusing on particular subjects, his work explores personal and historical situations, often through a spiritual lens. The resulting images are extraordinary.