Blog Posts by Abigail Bradshaw

Abigail Bradshaw
  • What's Up with the Enneagram, Anyways?

    November 11, 2020

    When you first get to Westmont, there are lots of people to meet and plenty of small talk to be had. You know the drill: “Oh, hi! What’s your name? Where are you from? What’s your major?” If you’re a first-year student (or just live under a rock), you were probably caught off guard the first time you heard this one: “What’s your Enneagram number?” For those of you still perplexed, here is a quick Enneagram 101 lesson.

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  • Redefining Intentionality: Does Christian Dating Culture Need a Re-write?

    October 8, 2020

    Deciding to go to a Christian liberal arts college definitely had some perks. I knew I would be learning from professors who loved God. I would be uniting my mind and spirit. I would have to (sorry, get to) attend chapel three times a week with my friends and classmates. One of the first things that crossed my mind, though, when I committed to Westmont was, “Wow, there will be a lot of godly guys!” I was excited by the prospect of meeting great Christian guys —maybe even my future husband.

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