Impact Conference Pre-Conference Workshops

Impact Conference Lunch Circle


PLEASE NOTE: See the Schedule page for a simplified, easy-to-read schedule of events and sessions. 


Session Descriptions

Our pre-conference workshops are organized around 3 tracks: Education Cloud, Admin Success, and Developer Knowledge.

Tuesday, July 23

1:00 - 2:30 PM

  • All tracks: Welcome and Plenary Session
    • The Education Trailblazers Academy workshops at this year's Impact Conference are packed with practical information to help higher eds successfully use Salesforce at their institution. We will cover the agenda, including logistics information for the workshops and Tuesday night's dinner for workshop participants

3:00 - 4:30 PM

  • Education Cloud: Scalable Recruitment and Admissions with Education Cloud
    • Education Cloud is here to help your school function seamlessly in the 21st century regardless of your target market, making it a scalable option compared to stand-alone systems like Slate and even other Salesforce-based applications handle with workarounds. Join this session to see how Recruiting and Admissions functionality works in the new Education Cloud and get hands on to learn how to use native functionality that can be personalized to the student and customized for an academic program.
  • Admin Success: How to Project Manage Any Salesforce Implementation
  • Developer Knowledge: Build a Component (level 1)

5:30 - 8:00 PM

  • All tracks: Dinner sponsored by Education Trailblazers Association

Wednesday, July 24

8:30 - 10:00 AM

  • Education Cloud: Expand the Use of Student Success in Education Cloud
    • Get a deep dive in how to use Education Cloud for the all-important "student" portion of the learner lifecycle. With a robust data model built to accommodate higher ed's nuanced business processes, Education Cloud provides a platform for automation and efficiency that allows innovation in a space that has been neglected for decades. Take a closer look into a few key processes to understand the power of this next-gen product.
  • Admin Success: Organize Marketing Cloud for Success
  • Developer Knowledge: Build a Great Component (level 2)

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Education Cloud: Harness the Power of the Platform - Use Salesforce as an SIS
    • Most higher ed Student Information Systems were built decades ago and retrofitted over the years, making it difficult to accommodate new processes or make changes to existing ones without creating tedious, manual workarounds. With Education Cloud, schools now can free themselves from the tyranny of legacy on-prem systems and avoid the cleverly marketed "cloud versions" of legacy systems that really just use remote desktop protocols in an attempt to masquerade the new version as "cloud" - versions which miss the entire point of using a true, cloud-based solution. In this workshop, you will complete exercises to explore a Salesforce-based SIS and experience first-hand the benefits of modern, automated solution that brings together traditional CRM engagement and service functionality with critical enrollment transactional processes. By the end of the session, you will know what steps you'll need to take to determine if using Salesforce as an SIS is an option for your school.
  • Admin Success: Get Hands-On with Marketing Cloud: Build a Marketing Cloud Journey
    • Journey Builder is a powerful tool within Marketing Cloud that allows you to design and implement compelling experiences based on a subscriber’s unique needs, demographics, behavior, and preferences. In this workshop, you'll understand on how to design and build a journey leveraging best practices.
  • Developer Knowledge: Easily Moving Data in Salesforce

12:00 - 1:00 PM

  • All tracks: Lunch

1:00 - 2:30 PM

  • Education Cloud: The Seamless Experience of Advancement in Education Cloud
    • With Education Cloud, you can accommodate Advancement functionality in the same org as your recruitment, admissions, and student data without data model conflicts or compromises based on a primary use case in Salesforce. Join this session to learn how Education Cloud handles householding, relationships, affiliations, gift processing, accounting sub-ledger, and more. Get hands-on with exercises to experience the benefit of using advancement functionality while emjoying the added benefit of unified data from across the student lifecycle.
  • Admin Success: Organize Your Artifacts with Salesforce
    • If you're using Salesforce and related Apps, you likely know just how confusing and overwhelming it can become when looking for definitive or active records when there is no built-in organization process. You may have multiple versions of Reports with the same name but built by different people for different purposes; Campaigns that can be sorted by criteria, but have no folder structure; or forms that may or may not be active. To combat this, you need a purposeful approach to organization. In this workshop, you'll learn best practices in establishing naming conventions and tracking your artifacts right in Salesforce using a custom object. 
  • Developer Knowledge: OmniStudio: Upgraded Forms and Data Integrations Through New Education Cloud Tools
    • Have you heard of OmniStudio and want to see what its all about? Maybe you haven't but now your interest is piqued. Join me to learn about one of the newest toys in the Salesforce for Education toybox. In this workshop, we will be going over the basics of the OmniStudio package and its components (OmniScripts, FlexCards, DataRaptors and Integration Procedures). Once you are up to speed, the hands-on portion will continue the momentum by combining what we have learned about OmniStudio components to create a process that will feel right at home in higher education.

3:00 - 4:30 PM

  • Education Cloud: The Benefits of Education Cloud's Common Components
    • Education Cloud is an "Industry" product, which means it shares functionality with industries like financial services and health organizations. This shared functionality includes application management and appointment setting, of course, but a host of other products that only a license to an "Industry" org grants. Join this session to learn about these components and how they are especially valuable to higher eds.
  • Admin Success: Build Your Rockstar Salesforce Team with a Student Worker Program
  • Developer Knowledge: Understanding Document Generation