Item Listing

'Six Doors' Author to be Featured at Reading

Author Patricia Selbert speaks April 19 (Photo ©2010 Isaac Hernandez)
Author Patricia Selbert speaks April 19 (Photo ©2010 Isaac Hernandez)

Santa Barbara author Patricia Selbert will share passages from her book, “The House of Six Doors,” at a free, public reading Tuesday, April 19, at 6:30 p.m. at Westmont’s Hieronymus Lounge in Kerrwood Hall. Selbert, who was raised on the Dutch Caribbean island of Curaçao and speaks four languages, will discuss how her own process of integrating four cultures has shaped her identity.

“The House of Six Doors,” shares an inspiring young adult journey of immigration from the Caribbean Islands to California. It’s a compelling story of teen struggles, family relationships and Curaçaoan culture. Though Selbert’s work is fiction, she says it is richly spiced with images from her own life and experiences.

The reading is sponsored by the Westmont Sociology and Anthropology Department and Intercultural Programs. Refreshments will be served.