Westmont Magazine Campaign Exceeds Goal

The five-year drive to raise $47 million for buildings, programs and endowment has ended successfully. Bringing in more than $56 million, the Embracing the Past, Ensuring the Future capital campaign will make a significant difference for students and faculty. Not only will the college construct two new buildings (the Adams Center for the Visual Arts and the David K. Winter Hall for the Sciences), but it will add to the endowment and fund important programs. A full report on the campaign will appear in the fall annual report.

Stephen  Baker ’84, vice president for advancement, attributes the success to strong support from alumni, parents and friends.

More than 12,000 donors gave to the campaign, including Stephen and Denise Adams ($10 million), an anonymous parent ($3.5 million), Kinko’s founder Paul Orfalea and his wife, Natalie ($3 million), and Carolyn DeYoung ’57 ($1.6 million).

“We praise God for the tremendous outpouring of support for the campaign from the Westmont family,” Baker said. “We rejoice at what these funds will do to enhance the college’s life-changing work.”