Resources to help you Live Your Story
It's THE top online tool employers use to check out potential interns or employees.
Now that you've done the work and your resume is ready for prime time, you can use that content to create your online LinkedIn profile.
LinkedIn is also a great tool for learning about career paths, arranging informational interviews, and making connections with alumni and employers.
Who should set up their LinkedIn profile?
All students.
Log in to Handshake to schedule an appointment to learn more about using LinkedIn for networking, job search and exploration.
In all that spare time you have, take a gander at some of these good reads about your next steps.
Let Your Life Speak by Parker Palmer
What Color is Your Parachute by Richard Bolles
The Will of God as a Way of Life: How to Make Every Decision with Peace and Confidence by Jerry Sittser
You Majored in What? Designing Your Path from College to Career by Katharine Brooks
Who should be reading these books?
All students
Is graduate school right for you? If so, is now the right time? These are two key questions you should be asking yourself. Bring others in on the conversation to help you shape your thoughts and decisions. Our career counselor and Faculty are a great resource to engage and gather information and help you evaluate which graduate schools are right for you.
The Grad School handout can help guide your thoughts and actions.
An Informational Interview is a valuable tool that can provide you with a window into the work that people actually do day to day. This simple activity will clarify your perceptions, gain insights on their work and how they got where they are in their careers as well as potentially provide you with important networking contacts for the future. Take advantage of our Interviewing for Information handout.
Who should take part in this opportunity?
All students.
Log onto Handshake to schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor.
Even in a robust hiring environment, be very careful if you try to negotiate your starting salary.
Unless you have distinct and unique skills, the vast majority of companies invest money just to bring you up-to-speed. Bottom line, be smart and do you homework about compensation.
Glassdoor salary comparison tool
Negotiating your First Job Payscale article
Think of these as simple life hacks for life after Westmont (salary negotiations, doing taxes, and lots more). These tips have been compiled for Westmont students by Westmont students. Click here to jump to the Know Before You Go web page.