Student Life Handbook: Policies and Procedures Drones
Out of safety and privacy concerns for students, employees, guests, neighbors and college property, Westmont College prohibits the operation of unmanned aerial systems, or aerial drones, on campus by the general public, including recreational users and hobbyists, without prior written authorization from Westmont.
This prohibition includes drones for filming or videotaping, as well as any drone use by media or journalists operating above Westmont property, including any drone launched off site and subsequently flown above college property.
Any authorized operation of aerial drones will be governed by Federal Aviation Administration rules and regulations as well as policies established by Westmont, which may include certification, training, insurance coverage and indemnification requirements. Any violation of this policy will be referred to Westmont Public Safety and the Student Life Office for possible legal action and/or suspension.
Please contact Westmont Communications at (805) 565-6000 or if you have any questions or if you seek prior approval to operate any aerial drones.