Journal of Undergraduate Chemistry Research Information for Authors

Manuscripts. Manuscripts should be in English, double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides using New Times Roman size 12 font in MS Word (DOC or DOCX are acceptable file formats). SI units and IUPAC nomenclature should be used. Submission implies that the material has not been published or submitted to any other journal. All submissions are subject to review by two or more independent reviewers and the decision of the editor is final. An email copy with attachments should be sent to the editor, Allan Nishimura Articles about laboratory experiments to be used in the teaching of chemistry are not applicable for this journal.

Title. Brief but informative title that avoids the use of symbols and abbreviations.

Authors. A list of authors and the address of the laboratory where the research was done should be given. The undergraduate co-authors should be noted with an asterisk (*). The corresponding author should be noted with a dagger (†) with an email address.

Keywords. A list of up to seven keywords should be supplied.

Abstract. Specific accounts of the research (50-150 words) stressing the importance or novelty of the research should be given.

Introduction. Describes the relationship of the present work with the previously published work.

Experimental Methods: Contains a detailed description of the experimental apparatus, chemicals and procedures used in the research, sufficient for the repetition of the work. Manufacturer’s name and location should be given in parenthesis. Any particular safety precautions should be given in detail. Toxic materials and hazardous procedures should be reported. Complete details for biological materials should include sources, strain designation number and the culture collection deposit. The scientific name should be presented in this section with an appropriate abbreviation used thereafter.

Results and Discussion. Presentation of the results should be concise and brief. Stress the importance of the findings. Similarly the discussion should not be verbose. Well known calculations are unnecessary. Statistical analysis should be used.

Conclusions. Conclusions should only be given if needed for the further interpretation of the results. Acknowledgment. The acknowledgment of outside funding, special materials or technical assistance is placed here.

References. All references should appear in numerical order as superscripts in the text and cited at the end of the manuscript. Use the following format for reference:

  • Journals: authors last name, followed by initials, additional authors separated by semicolon, the title of the journal in italics, the year of publication in bold, the volume number in italics and followed by the range of pages.
  • Example: (1). Pharr, D. Y.; Uden, P. C.; Siggia, S. J.Chrom.Sci., 1992, 30, 124-130.
  • Books: authors last name, followed by initials, additional authors separated by semicolon, title of the book in italics, the edition number, the city, state, country of publication and year of publication in bold and pages.
  • Example: (2). Yen, T. F.; Gilbert, R. D.; Fendler, J. H. Advances in the Application of Membrane Mimetic Chemistry, Plenum Press, New York, NY 1994 pp. 79-94.

Figures. Each figure should be on a separate page. Each figure should have a title and each axis on plots should have a label. Figures may be PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PDF, TIF formats. Attempt will be made to have a figure in the vicinity of the text where it was initially referenced.

Figure Legends. Legends should be on a separate page. Each identified by its proper number and then title and caption.

Tables. Each table should be on a separate page. Each table should have a title and each column should have a heading.