
Michael Hofmann, M.B.A.

Office Location

RH 202

Office Available

Mondays 9:10-9:40 am & by appointment 


Michael Hofmann was born and raised in Germany and received a Bachelor in Religious Science from the Augustana Hochschule Neuendettelsau and a Master in Business Administration from the University of Applied Sciences in Ansbach. Michael has been an Instructor in the Department of Modern Languages at Westmont since 2018 and is currently teaching introductory and intermediate level classes. He also has regular teaching appointments at the University of California Santa Barbara in the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies as a continuing lecturer. His interests include second language acquisition, communicative teaching methodology, German literature, and German as it relates to and used in everyday business life. He speaks English in addition to German and has a reading knowledge of Latin, Hebrew, and Greek. In his free time he enjoys traveling, cooking, baking, and spending as much time as possible outdoors, enjoying the Santa Barbara area.