Westmont Magazine A Prestigious Philosophy Award

David Vander Laan, profes­sor of philosophy, has won the American Philosoph­ical Association’s 2022 Alvin Plantinga Prize. Co­incidentally, the prestigious award honors Vander Laan’s doctoral adviser, one of the most influential people shap­ing Christian philosophical thought during the past 50 years.

American Philosophical Association

“To receive a prize named for Plantinga is a tremendous honor,” Vander Laan says. “As his former student and a beneficiary of his work, it’s incredibly meaningful to me.”

The prize, which includes a $10,000 award, recognizes Vander Laan’s forthcoming paper “Satisfaction in the End without End,” to be published in “Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion.”

The paper, which follows up on Vander Laan’s earlier “The Paradox of the End with­out End” (Faith and Philosophy, 2018), examines the historically popular view that human life is aimed at a single, high­est attainable good (the final telos) that quenches all desire. From this standpoint, a life of everlasting growth and progress might seem incomplete, since it’s forever partial or unsatisfying; the desire for future goods always remains.

“I argue that, on the contrary, everlasting progress need not be subjectively or objec­tively deficient and, in fact, must be more satisfying than any static good to tempo­ral beings such as ourselves,” says Vander Laan, who joined the philosophy faculty at Westmont in 2000.

He says that Plantinga, who took on im­portant topics such as the problem of evil and the rationality of belief in God, brought greater clarity and precision to these issues. “His work is part of what inspired me to study philosophy in college,” Vander Laan says. “Later, I found that he was not only an incisive thinker but also an affable and jovial soul who generously provided help and encouragement to younger philoso­phers like me. I’m grateful to him.”