Westmont Magazine The Westmont Annual Fund is All About the Student

Daniel Torres

Daniel Torres

Gifts to the Westmont Annual Fund help students like Daniel Torres ’12. A starter for the Warrior soccer team, he plays with intensity and energy. But he’s quick to point out he does much more than play soccer: he carries a full load of challenging courses. His days focus on studying in the classroom and keeping up with assignments as well as practicing on the soccer field. He builds relationships with other students as they work on group projects and grows close to his fellow teammates. In many ways, he’s a typical Westmont student.

Unlike most of his peers, however, Daniel goes home at night, spends time with his wife and children and puts his sons to bed. Nicholas is 10 months and Diego is 4 and plays on a T-ball team with one of Dave Wolf’s sons. Wolf, the head coach for the men’s soccer team, had watched Daniel play first at Santa Barbara High School where his team won two league championships and later at Santa Barbara City College. After completing his studies at City College, Daniel has worked for the last two years for the Carpinteria Boys and Girls Club and for the school system as an instructional aide. “I wanted to go back to school but didn’t know how, when or where,” he says. Wolf made it possible for Daniel to finish his college education by recruiting him and offering a significant athletic scholarship.

“It’s amazing to play soccer at Westmont; I’m having a great time,” Daniel says. “But I also love my classes and my professors. I’m learning so much.” Daniel is majoring in Spanish and plans to teach, possibly English as a second language. He’s practicing this with his wife, Lupita, who studies English in the evening while he does his college work.

The challenges of being an intercollegiate athlete, full-time student, husband and parent invigorate Daniel. “I’d rather be busy and be learning, he says. “I do everything with a lot of love and a smile — and I thank God for putting me at a place like Westmont.”

The Westmont Annual Fund supports exceptional students like Daniel by providing crucial scholarship assistance and support for programs on campus. Every gift to this fund makes a difference in the life of a student. To donate, go to the Web site www.westmont.edu/giving.