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6-Year-Old Donates to Westmont Campaign

6-year-old Liam Hess greets President Gayle D. Beebe after making an historic donation
6-year-old Liam Hess greets President Gayle D. Beebe after making an historic donation

Liam Hess has become the youngest donor in Westmont College history. The 6-year-old emptied $15.05 from his truck bank for the college’s Bright Hope for Tomorrow Campaign, which provides funds for new facilities on campus.

Liam’s parents both work at Westmont. Kevin '98 is senior director of information technology and Elizabeth '98 is an English instructor. They had been discussing Westmont’s needs, expressing some concern for the college’s future.

“I have lots of money,” Liam told his parents. “I have lots more than I need.  I could give some to Westmont, and then they wouldn’t have to worry.”

After making the donation to the college, the Goleta Family School first grader was invited to meet President Gayle D. Beebe. “He was thrilled and particularly liked that the president gave him a diet Coke from his personal refrigerator,” Kevin says.

Elizabeth says the president asked Liam to come back and see him again sometime and Liam agreed to do so. “This question evidently made an impact, because about a week later he asked, ‘When should I go back and see Dr. Beebe again?’” she said.

The campaign has raised more than $80 million of its $102 million goal toward the construction of Adams Center for the Visual Arts, Winter Hall for Science and Mathematics, athletic fields and a new observatory.