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Alumnus Stefanic Signs with Angels

Michael Stefanic, who holds three Westmont baseball records, has signed a minor league contract with the Los Angeles Angels. The Warrior with the most career hits (275) and career runs (157) has reported to the Angels Arizona Rookie League team in Tempe. His 50 doubles set a new career Warrior record, and his career .363 batting average ranks as the fifth best at Westmont.

“When I got the news, I was hyperventilating because I was so excited,” Stefanic said. “I’ve been overlooked quite a bit in my baseball career, so it’s a blessing to be a professional baseball player.”

Stefanic is the only Westmont player to be named to the All-Golden State Athletic Conference Team all four years and the only one to win four GSAC Gold Gloves. He also earned an NAIA Gold Glove Award this season. The four-year starter for the Warriors recorded a .972 career fielding percentage.

"I want to thank my teammates, coaches and the entire Westmont community," said Stefanic. "The atmosphere allowed me to thrive and become a better player, and I'm grateful I get to represent the school in the minor leagues."

A native of Boise, Idaho, Stefanic graduated from Westmont in May with a degree in economics and business.

Ten former Warrior baseball players have signed minor league contracts in the last five years.