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Baseball Coach Spreads Christmas Cheer

rob_crawfordWestmont’s baseball coach was able to make Christmas a little brighter for two families displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Thanks to donations from the Santa Barbara community, Rob Crawford sent gifts and money to the families who have been forced to relocate to Shreveport, La.

Earlier this month Crawford and popular Montecito musician Bobby Shand held a special benefit show with The Shand Band at SOhO. The concert raised $1,480 for Crawford’s relief effort, “One Family at a Time.”

Crawford says a family of nine who received gifts and money was especially grateful. The family was forced to evacuate New Orleans and is now living in a two-bedroom apartment.

“The mother of the family gave me a quick phone call,” Crawford says. “She was crying on the phone. She was so excited and thankful.”

Last September, Crawford led a relief trip with 21 volunteers to the Gulf Coast shortly after two hurricanes devasted the region. He has maintained relationships with about 20 families who were forced to evacuate.

The baseball coach says he’s been most touched by what he calls “the comeback story.”
“We’re looking for the families who want to pick themselves up,” Crawford says. “These families are really motivated, just great people. And we want to help them turn things around.”

Crawford also sent $300 to a family of five with a newborn baby. Though most of them have jobs, he wanted to help them buy Christmas gifts.

“I don’t know how I would do it with a family of five moving to a new area. I’m just thankful that so many people wanted to be a part of this effort.”