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College Names Interim Academic Dean

Warren RogersWarren Rogers, professor of physics, will serve as Westmont’s interim academic dean, filling a vacancy left by outgoing Provost Shirley Mullen. Rogers has agreed to serve while the college continues its search for a president, who will launch a national search for a new academic dean or provost soon after arriving on campus.

Rogers will supervise the college’s academic program, including the budget, faculty development and curriculum. He has served in several important leadership roles, including chair of the Academic Senate, member of the Faculty Personnel Committee and Faculty Council, and vice chair of the faculty for two terms.

“I love this institution very deeply,” Rogers says. “I’ve enjoyed my various administrative roles at Westmont, especially as faculty vice chair, and look forward to serving as interim academic dean. I’m honored to be in a position to help the college navigate this season of transition and prepare for new leadership. I look forward to working with Chancellor Winter and my faculty and administration colleagues in this important task.”

Faculty nominated Rogers for the position, and he was then considered by the Faculty Council before being selected by Mullen and Chancellor David K. Winter.

During the summer, Rogers plans to remain active in his research, which focuses on experimental nuclear physics conducted at Michigan State University, and studies of cosmic muon flux using the Westmont College Cosmic Muon Detector Array (CMDA).

Rogers recently was appointed to the prestigious position of fellow of the American Physical Society. He earned his bachelor’s degree at Harvey Mudd College before getting his master’s degree and doctorate at the University of Rochester.

A Westmont faculty member since 1994, Rogers chairs the physics department.