Item Listing

Events Focus on ‘Tattoos on the Heart’

Rev. Greg Boyle speaks in Westmont chapel Jan. 22
Rev. Greg Boyle speaks in Westmont chapel Jan. 22

Westmont hosts several discussions and chapel talks stemming from this year’s Westmont Summer Reads book, “Tattoos on the Heart,” by Rev. Gregory Boyle. Rachel Winslow, director of the Westmont Center for Social Entrepreneurship and assistant professor of history, speaks about “Tattoos on the Heart” Friday, Sept. 15, from 10:30-11:15 a.m. in chapel at Murchison Gym. A panel discussion, featuring Winslow, Charles Farhadian, professor of religious studies, Shawn Hill, Santa Barbara Police sergeant, and Anthony Martinez, City Impact case manager, is Monday, Sept. 18, at 7 p.m. at Voskuyl Library. Boyle speaks in chapel Monday, Jan. 22, at 10:30 a.m. in Murchison Gym. All events are free and open to the public.

“Tattoos on the Heart” encompasses a series of compelling stories about Boyle’s work in Los Angeles with Homeboy Industries, one of the largest gang remediation programs in the world. “Not only is Los Angeles the closest large city to Westmont, but we send students to LA with our Urban Initiative ministry every spring break,” says Angela D’Amour, director of campus life. “Further, when Father Boyle speaks in chapel this spring, we hope this book will provide context to his work and his passion for community building and kinship.

“Father Boyle inspires others by his tireless commitment to demonstrating compassion and modeling a great sense of humor in the midst of difficult circumstances.”