Item Listing

Innovative Staging Set for 'Peer Gynt'

Westmont students Paige Tautz, Lauren White, Shawnee Witt and Chris Wagstaffe join Lit Moon actor Victoria Finlayson (sitting) in Part 1 of Lit Moon’s new production of “Peer Gynt."
Westmont students Paige Tautz, Lauren White, Shawnee Witt and Chris Wagstaffe join Lit Moon actor Victoria Finlayson (sitting) in Part 1 of Lit Moon’s new production of "Peer Gynt."

Ibsen’s epic masterpiece "Peer Gynt" receives lavish treatment in a new, multi-part, multi-venue staging. Students and faculty from Westmont join forces with actors from Lit Moon Theatre Company to bring Gynt’s fantastic journey to vivid theatrical life. This new production offers a rare opportunity to see one of drama’s most significant plays, staged nearly uncut, in a monumental two-part, four-hour production staged by John Blondell, one of the region’s most innovative directors.

The Lit Moon/Westmont co-production features a cast of Lit Moon actors and Westmont faculty, students and alumni. The character of Peer Gynt is performed by three different actors of three different ages. As with many Blondell projects, puppets also perform parts. There are two different scenic and lighting designers, giving each part a different tone and look.

The two separate, stand-alone parts are performed in two different locations: Part 1 is at Westmont’s Porter Theatre and Part 2 at the Center Stage Theater in downtown Santa Barbara. There are five complete performances: four performances of both parts in one day, and one comprised of the two parts spread over two subsequent evenings (a full schedule follows).

“'Peer Gynt' is full of great characters, marvelous language, fantastic and sometimes harrowing situations, wild humor, deep dread and some of the most moving writing I have ever encountered,” Blondell says. “The play brings together much of what I love about theater – stories of mythic dimension that penetrate beneath consciousness and evoke the deep longings of what it means to be human. We are in store for many fascinating conversations, challenging notions, and a rip-roaring good time in the theater.”

Tickets are $26 for general admission ($13 per part) and $14 for students and seniors ($7 per part) and are available at Center Stage Theater at or 963-0408. (Note: Center Stage Theater adds $1.50 facility fee to each ticket.)

  • Saturday, Oct. 15, Part 1 at 3 p.m., Porter Theatre; Part 2 at 7 p.m., Center Stage Theater
  • Sunday, Oct. 16, Part 1 at 3 p.m., Porter Theatre; Part 2 at 7 p.m., Center Stage Theater
  • Thursday, Oct. 20, Part 1 at 8 p.m., Porter Theatre
  • Friday, Oct. 21, Part 2 at 8 p.m., Center Stage Theater
  • Saturday, Oct. 22, Part 1 at 3 p.m., Porter Theatre; Part 2 at 7 p.m., Center Stage Theater
  • Sunday, Oct. 23, Part 1 at 3 p.m., Porter Theatre; Part 2 at 7 p.m., Center Stage Theater