Item Listing

Leadership Conference Features Brooks

David Brooks at the 2016 Westmont President's Breakfast
David Brooks at the 2016 Westmont President's Breakfast

New York Times columnist David Brooks speaks at Westmont’s third annual Lead Where You Stand Conference, which takes place May 31-June 2. Tickets to the three-day event include all materials and meals and cost $499. Purchase them online at

Exploring the theme, Make Your Life and Leadership Count, Brooks presents new ideas about leadership, character, and creating enduring organizations that both succeed and serve society. He is one of America’s most prominent political and social commentators and author of the best-selling book “The Road to Character.” “He goes beyond the headlines to seek deeper meaning in life, suggesting that selflessness leads to greater success,” Beebe says.

New York Times bestselling author Ronald C. White speaks about “The Moral Arc of Leadership from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King Jr.,” and Douglas McKenna, CEO and executive director of the Center for Organizational Leadership, presents four essentials qualities of leadership. Westmont President Gayle D. Beebe discusses “Making Your Life Count” and leads an exercise.

Douglas McKenna at the 2015 Leadership Conference
Douglas McKenna at the 2015 Leadership Conference

“This three-day conference will offer key insights into an enduring challenge: How do we develop the capacity to respond in timely, principled ways to the multifaceted challenges and opportunities of effective leadership?” Beebe says.

McKenna examines the interacting dynamics of four key principles in his C4 Leadership Framework: composure, conviction, connection and courage. He teaches practical skills for developing these essential qualities.

White shares historical insights from Abraham Lincoln to Martin Luther King Jr., examining leaders who made an enduring impact by putting principles ahead of personal gain. He explains how leaders can apply these lessons today in their own organizations.

For more information, please contact Mary Pat Whitney at (805) 565-6050 or