Item Listing

An Orchestra Heard Round the World

Westmont Orchestra
Westmont Orchestra

The Westmont Orchestra departs soon after Commencement for a musical tour of Hungary and Austria. Between May 12 and May 25 the 52 student musicians will perform five concerts in the regions around Budapest and Vienna, while also taking time to stay with host families, visit local churches and attend an opera.

Joining the students are conductor Michael Shasberger, Adams professor of music and worship, administrative assistant Helen Park and professor of violin Philip Ficsor.

The orchestra tours each summer, but this will be their first international excursion. Shasberger hopes to develop a rotation with an international tour every third year. The College Choir also tours and performed last summer in Guatemala and Costa Rica. The orchestra has been saving and fundraising for this trip throughout the school year. The tour is funded in part by donors to the Orchestra Patron program.

“I consider this experience to be a great exemplar of Westmont’s global imperative,” Shasberger says. “It serves to both build and serve our community even as we help to build and serve the communities that we were privileged to visit.” Opportunites to perform and cross-cultural interactions are two aspects of a Westmont education.

Students will stay with host families in Kiskunhalas, near Budapest in Hungary and perform concerts there with the Lorantffy Zsuzsanna Choir and the Bela Bartok Female Choir. After attending a Baptist church in Kiskunhalas, the orchestra will transfer to Vienna and perform in the nearby town of Matzen. Returning to Budapest, they will give concerts at the prestigious Italian Institute with the Hungarian Central Baptist Choir and at the Magyar Szentek Temploma (Church of Hungarian Saints). Students and faculty will also lead master classes at the Hans Richter Conservatory of Music in Gyor, Hungary.

For more information, contact Helen Park in the music department at (805) 565-6040 or