Item Listing

Panel to Discuss Learning for Wisdom

Dr. Jim Taylor
Dr. Jim Taylor

Several Westmont professors will explore learning for wisdom in a panel discussion Thursday, Oct. 5, at 3:30 p.m. in Hieronymus Lounge at Kerrwood Hall. The Provost’s Lecture focuses on “Learning for Wisdom: Christian Education & the Good Life,” a new book by James E. Taylor, Westmont professor of philosophy. The talk is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Taylor at (805) 565- 6157.

“There are three kinds of wisdom: theoretical (wisdom about what is true), practical (wisdom about what is good), and productive (wisdom about what is beautiful and/or useful),” Taylor says. “So learning for wisdom leads to wise reflection, wise action and wise creation. I wrote the book primarily for students at Christian liberal arts colleges to help them better understand, appreciate and experience Christian general (liberal) learning.”

Taylor, who chairs the Westmont Philosophy Department, graduated from Westmont, earned a Master of Arts in theology from Fuller Theological Seminary and a Master of Arts and doctorate in philosophy from the University of Arizona. He specializes in epistemology, philosophy of religion, and Christian apologetics.

Dr. Jim Taylor's new book "Learning For Wisdom"
Dr. Jim Taylor's new book "Learning For Wisdom"

The panel includes a professor from each academic division of the college: Greg Spencer, professor of communication studies (humanities), Tom Knecht, professor of political science (social sciences) and Jeff Schloss, professor of biology (natural and behavioral sciences). Each will comment on different chapters from “Learning for Wisdom” that relate to their discipline. Students from different majors will also be present to ask Taylor questions about other chapters of the book.

“I hope people will learn more about the nature, purpose and value of a Christian liberal arts education,” Taylor says. “I also hope they will be motivated to read my book.”

The book “Learning for Wisdom” will be available for purchase for $10.