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Patterson Offers Joy in Final Sermon

Ben Patterson
Ben Patterson

Ben Patterson, in his final sermon as Westmont campus pastor, urged students to be happy, joyful and grateful in their lives.

“If our gratitude could match the grace and forgiveness that’s been extended to us, then no amount of rejoicing could ever possibly be too much,” he said. “So, I am going to go out on that. Learn how to be thankful. Get to know Jesus and His book and His people. Practice thanksgiving. Ask God to open your eyes.”

Patterson, who has served at Westmont for more than 17 years, announced his retirement in September 2017. “I’ve never gotten tired of worshiping with you,” he said. “I’m just thankful and I hope you’ve noticed that I am a pretty happy guy. I really am.”

Patterson reminded students of the importance of prayer and reading Scripture. In the words of the Apostle Paul, he encouraged students to fight the good fight, finish the race and keep the faith.