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Performance Has a Cultural Story to Share

The hereandnow Theatre Company
The hereandnow Theatre Company

The hereandnow Theatre Company, which believes everyone has a story to tell, performs in Westmont’s Porter Theatre Saturday, Sept. 26, at 8 p.m. The show is free, but reservations are required by calling (805) 565-7040.

Hereandnow uses the voices of its diverse cast to explore the theme that everyone comes from a unique experience. Westmont’s Theatre Arts Department and Intercultural Programs sponsor the event.

Elena Yee, director of intercultural programs, says that our lives are essentially a collection of stories that include our family, culture and traditions.

“Whether it’s how we celebrate Christmas by making tamales, eating seafood or attending a midnight service, it means something to us,” Yee says. “There’s something important about listening and sharing both individual and collective memories.”

The hereandnow Theatre Company, under the direction of John Miyasaki, began at East Los Angeles College and has toured more than 200 different colleges, theatres, and festivals since 1990.

“At Westmont, we are reminded by scripture, which can be seen as a collection of narratives, to not forget the lessons of our spiritual ancestors because the past does indeed shape our future,” Yee says.