Item Listing

Philosophy Professor Joins National Committee

Philosophy Professor Jim Taylor was recently elected to the executive committee of the Society of Christian Philosophers.

The committee of four people represents the entire society and reports to the society's president, Robert Audi of the University of Nebraska. Annual meetings of the committee take place at the Central Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association each spring.

The Society of Christian Philosophers was organized in 1978 to promote fellowship among Christian philosophers and to stimulate study and discussion of issues that arise from their Christian and philosophical commitments.

One of its chief aims is to go beyond the usual philosophy of religion sessions at the American Philosophical Association and to stimulate thinking about the nature and role of Christian commitment in philosophy.

The society is open to anyone interested in philosophy who considers himself or herself a Christian. Membership is not restricted to any particular “school” of philosophy or to any branch of Christianity, nor to professional philosophers.

Meetings of the society are regularly held in conjunction with the American Catholic Philosophical Association; the Eastern, Central, and Pacific Divisions of the American Philosophical Association and the Canadian Philosophical Association; and at the World Congress of Philosophy.

For more information, call Taylor at (805) 565-6157, or e-mail