Item Listing

Poet Paul Willis to Read from Recent Work

Westmont English Professor Paul Willis will read from his new book of poems, “How To Get There,” 7 p.m. Jan. 25 at the Contemporary Arts Forum upstairs in Paseo Nuevo, downtown Santa Barbara.

The reading is open to the public with a suggested donation of $3

Willis has taught English at Westmont for 16 years and his areas of expertise are environmental studies, literature and writing. An avid backpacker, he features the outdoors in much of his work. Willis has published more than 300 poems in journals and anthologies such as “Ascent,” “Wilderness,” “Christian Century” and “Best American Poetry 1996.” His most recent books are “Poison Oak” and “The Deep and Secret Color of Ice.” Willis’ essays, reviews and short stories have appeared in such places as “Image,” “River Teeth,” “Books and Culture” and “Best Spiritual Writing 1999.” He has published two eco-fantasy novels, “No Clock in the Forest” and “The Stolen River.”

For more information, please contact Willis at (805) 565-7174.