Item Listing

Price's Artwork is Right

untitledNicholas Price, Westmont graduate and administrator to the college’s art department and Reynolds Gallery, will soon see his own art on display downtown. He garnered the 2007 Individual Artist Award for solar plate, monoprint, and monotype printmaking from the Santa Barbara Arts Fund for his colorful six-foot long prints. The juried award honors artists who enrich the city’s cultural and creative life.

You can see Price’s winning prints at a group exhibit at the Art Fund Gallery on the corner of Santa Barbara and Yanonali Streets, March 14 through April 11. There will be an opening reception Friday, March 14, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Price also received a $2,500 stipend which he plans to invest in his work and the custom six-foot frames they require.

For more information contact the Arts Fund at (805) 965-7321 or visit