Item Listing

Reel Talk Features Eastwood's 'Grand Torino'

Reel Talk features "Gran Torino" April 28
Reel Talk features "Gran Torino" April 28

Reel Talk, which gives the Westmont community an opportunity to discuss difficult social, philosophical, or theological questions following a film screening, features “Gran Torino,” Thursday, April 28, at 7 p.m. in Adams Center 216. The event, hosted by Joshua Canada and Telford Work, is free and open to the public. Canada, Armington Hall resident director, earned a master of arts degree from Taylor University. Work, Westmont professor of theology, earned a doctorate from Duke University.

The movie is produced by, directed by and stars Clint Eastwood who plays Walt Kowalski, a Korean War veteran who sets out to reform his Hmong teenage neighbor after he tries to steal his Gran Torino. The movie was recognized by the American Film Institute as one of the Ten Best Films of 2008.