Item Listing

Symposium Highlights Student Science Research

Westmont’s annual Student Research Symposium celebrates the accomplishments of student researchers from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. April 16 upstairs in Kerr Student Center.
Admission is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.

“This is a great forum for the students to show off all of their hard work,” symposium director and Physics Professor Warren Rogers said. “One of the hallmarks of Westmont’s academic program is the opportunity for undergraduate students to work directly with faculty on research projects.”

Work presented at the Student Research Symposium includes studies conducted during the current academic year in the humanities, social sciences, and natural and behavioral sciences.

Projects in 2002 ranged from history research conducted by Robin Barry on “Division and Isolation as Experienced by the Jewish Survivors of Auschwitz” to biology research conducted by Judilee Marrow on “An Investigation of Aggressive Behavior in the Hermit Crab Species Pagurus Samuelis.”

For more information, contact Rogers at (805) 565-6092, or the public affairs office at 565-7057 or