Item Listing

A Trio of Musical Events

Trio of Musical Events

Three intimate concerts on Westmont’s campus next week provide a chance to hear excellent music up close and get to know talented young musicians. Each event is free and open to the public.

The Composers’ Concert Tuesday, Nov. 6 at 8 p.m. in Deane Chapel will highlight original compositions by students. Faculty and students will collaborate in the performances, resulting in an eclectic and exciting evening of new music.

At the Instrumental Chamber Concert Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 8 p.m. in Hieronymus Lounge, Kerrwood Hall, several student ensembles will perform works by the masters. The private setting provides an opportunity to hear Mozart and Beethoven as you never have before.

The trio closes with the Vocal Chamber Concert Friday, Nov. 9 at 8 p.m. in Deane Chapel. The program will feature small vocal ensembles, including New Sounds performing music by the Beatles, and the Westmont Chamber Singers with music of the Baroque period.

For more information contact Darcy Galvan in the music department at (805) 565-6040 or