Item Listing

Westmont Faculty Exhibit Recent Work

The “Faculty Show,” featuring recent work by the Westmont College art faculty, will appear Jan. 18 through March 12 in Reynolds Gallery. The college will host a reception for the artists, which is open to the public, 4-6 p.m. Jan. 20 in Reynolds Gallery on the lower campus.

“This is our centerpiece show for the year,” said Reynolds Gallery Director Tony Askew. “Our faculty members are all working artists in their own right and this show will display the wide range of ability and media that makes our department so creatively diverse.”

The exhibition showcases the specialties of each artist including printmakers Tony Askew and Siu Zimmerman; painters John Carlander and Susan Savage; illustrator Scott Anderson; ceramicist Deanna Pini; photographer Brad Elliott; and sculptor Jill Vanderhoof.

For more information, contact the Art Center at (805) 565-6162 or e-mail For directions to campus or more information about art department faculty, visit the college Web site at