Item Listing

Westmont Graduate Awarded National Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi has awarded Wesley Galliher, a chemistry major who graduated in early May from Westmont, a graduate fellowship for the 2004-05 academic year. Wesley will receive $5,000 to aid in his pursuit of a Ph.D. degree in bio-organic or medicinal chemistry. Only 60 students nationwide received the fellowship this year.

The selection process for the Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Fellowships is based on the applicants’ undergraduate academic performance; leadership and service on campus and in the community; evidence of graduate potential; personal statement of educational perspective, purpose and objectives; and the evaluation reports from three individuals who are in a position to attest to the student’s performance, citizenship and character.

Wesley has an excellent record in each of these areas. Active in intramural sports, he also is a teaching assistant for general and organic chemistry, a manuscript editor and sings in the college, gospel and chamber singers choirs.

Wesley’s professors praised his research abilities and experience.

“When he arrives at graduate school, he will be immediately ready to contribute to a research program,” Physics Professor Kenneth Kihlstrom said.

Chemistry Professor Allan Nishimura added “Wesley combines hard work with natural ability and good time-management skills – all characteristics of an outstanding student.”

For more information, contact the Westmont public affairs office at (805) 565-7057 or e-mail