Item Listing

What Can Science Tell Us About Love? Plenty!

Love and science don’t mix. Or do they? Westmont Biology Professor Jeff Schloss speaks about “The Science of Love: What Biology is Discovering About Caring Relationships” 5:30 p.m. May 8 at the University Club, 1332 Santa Barbara St., in downtown Santa Barbara.

The event is free and open to the public.

Schloss is biology adviser at the Institute for Research on Altruistic Love and co-author of the recently published “Altruistic Love: Science, Philosophy and Religion in Dialogue” (Oxford University Press).

“Nearly everyone recognizes that loving relationships are at the center of fulfillment, but the mystery of love has traditionally been ignored by scientific study,” Schloss explained. “Recently that has turned around, and fascinating discoveries have revealed unique capacities of humans to extend love, the benefits of receiving it and the challenges we all face in cultivating it.”

In his lecture, Schloss will explore current findings in parental love, friendship, romantic love and altruism, with an eye toward their meaning in our own lives.

For more information, contact the public affairs office at (805) 565-7057.