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Yearbook Wins Coveted Gold Crown Award

anna-and-gloria1.jpgThe Citadel, Westmont’s yearbook, won a prestigious Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Crown Award at the 29th annual College Media Convention in March for its 2005-2006 volume. Of the 1,860 CSPA members eligible to enter the Crown Awards, just five earned a Gold Crown in the collegiate yearbook category.

In October, the 2005-2006 volume won the Associated Collegiate Press Best in Show Award. The 2004 yearbook, “Family,” won a Gold Crown Award.

Of the 1,238 magazines, newspapers and yearbooks submitted for the contest, 11 newspapers, four magazines and four yearbooks received Gold Crown Awards. Publications were judged on writing and editing, design, concept, photography, art and graphics. The Gold Crown award represents the top 2 percent of college media.

Co-Editors Anna Dreyer and Gloria Tebelman came up with the theme, “You Are Here,” to show students how they are connected to the world outside Westmont.

“We wanted them to see how different we all are but also to realize how we have all ended up at Westmont,” Tebelman says.
“We included a map of the world that pinpoints everyone’s hometown. A lot come from , but there are students from all parts of the globe, and that’s something to know and celebrate.”

Dreyer and Tebelman, both seniors, set a lofty goal of featuring every student. <
“We printed out a list of everyone,” Dreyer says. “Whenever someone put a quote or a picture on a page, they had to cross the name off. It’s frustrating at times, but it’s our job.”

The other winning college yearbooks were from Indiana University, Bloomington, University of Miami, University of Oklahoma and Loyola Marymount University.