Navigating the Defining Challenges of Leadership The Crucibles That Shape Us

Newly released “The Crucibles that Shape Us: Navigating the Defining Challenges of Leadership,” a book by Westmont President Gayle D. Beebe. 


The crucibles that shape us include crises that refine our character and call forth our best effort. Rarely, if ever, anticipated, they test our capacity to adapt and change and invite us to find new solutions to vexing problems to reach a successful and enduring outcome. - Gayle Beebe

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five



Saturdays at Seven

In the twelfth episode of the “Saturdays at Seven” conversation series, Todd Ream, Publisher for Christian Scholar's Review talks with President Beebe, about how his approach to leadership emerged over time along with how leading a community through crises impacted it. They talk about the unique opportunities and challenges that come with leading a Christian liberal arts college in California and how Gayle and his colleagues have fostered a host of third way solutions. They then close by talking about the unique contributions the Christian liberal arts college and the Church make to one another and about the mutually reinforcing benefits of their vibrancy.

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InterVarsity PRESS

At The Crossroads of Faith and Work

In this insightful conversation, six IVP authors with new books about the intersection of faith and work share their insights on the benefits of bringing both elements of life together, regardless of your vocation, all for the glory of God.

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Civil Dialogues

Leadership in Turbulent Times

In Episode 2, host Henry Dubroff visits with Beebe on the current crisis in academia, on developing ways to foster constructive conversations on controversial issues and his vision for the future of Westmont. Their discussion is framed by his new book and his personal experiences in surviving the deadly Montecito debris flows and leading the campus through  the COVID-19 pandemic.

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