Global Leadership Center Residents Kitchen Info & Rules

Each GLC section has one shared kitchen with four cooking stations. Each building also has an outside grill. Each kitchen includes:

  • 3 Refrigerators
  • 2 Ovens
  • 2 Microwaves
  • 2 Dishwashers
  • Cubby space for each resident

GLC Residents SHOULD bring:

  • Kitchenware: Plates, bowls, & silverware
  • Kitchen towels (for drying dishes)
  • Pots, pans and dishware 
  • Cups & mugs

Suggested items GLC Residents can bring:

  • Personal cooking knives
  • Preferred cleaning supplies; personal sponges
  1. Several sets of pots and pans
  2. Several sets of cooking utensils, including but not limited to: spatulas, can openers, cooking spoons, cooking knives, scissors
  3. Mixing bowls
  4. Strainers
  5. Baking pans and sheets
  6. 1 Rice cooker
  7. 1 Blender
  8. 1 Toaster
  9. Tape and pens to label food
  10. Cleaning supplies, including but not limited to: sponges & scrubbers, dish soap, kitchen towels for the counters, dishwasher supplies

Kitchen supplies may vary from year to year. If any of these supplies are missing, notify your RA. 

Rule notes fine
Label Food Use the provided tape & pens to label your food with your name and the date. Unlabeled food will be tossed. Regular food 2 weeks old, expired or moldy will be tossed.  
Wash Dishes Wash dishes immediately or put in the dishwasher to be cleaned. Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink. Dry dishes and put away immediately.  
Personal Dishes Do not leave personal dishes in the shared kitchen space. If RAs find personal dishes in the kitchens, they will be taken back to the RA's room. Contact RA to reclaim items. $1/item
Refrigerator Space Shoe box-sized containers (about half of a shelf) may be used in the refrigerators (residents do not need to label food inside container although old, expired food will be tossed). Larger containers cannot be used in refrigerators.  
Freezer Space Do not store large bags of ice in the freezer. Toss any frostbitten items.   
Counter Space Personal supplies and items cannot be left on the counter space. Put personal items away in cupboard space or take back to room.  
Clean Out Refrigerator Refrigerators must be completely cleaned out at the end of Fall and Spring semesters. The refrigerators are cleaned each semester and any leftover food will be tossed.  
Clean Up! Always clean up after yourself. Supplies are provided and we greatly appreciate it!