DC: Delightful Creations

Choosing to eat healthy can be hard when it comes to the DC. I know I have eaten just a plate of french fries when there was a potato bar for dinner. I understand when you just aren’t feeling it and you decide to sadly shuffle over to make yourself a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch; but fear not, for I have the perfect solution to your potato problems. 

Here at Westmont we learn to think deeply and widen our impact in the world. I am going to teach you to make the most out of your DC dining experience by sharing these four life-changing recipes. Remember, your body is a temple and eating healthy is important if you want to succeed and get that A+ on your Biochem exam! 

First Dish: Salad

Our first dish is a light and fresh apple, sesame seeds, and olive oil salad. Perfect for those hot days after class! 

First, choose your greens! You can alternate between spinach or mixed greens. (I personally like the spinach because it is an excellent source of fiber and iron) 

Next, you have the option to add shredded cheese (because cheese makes everything better!). 

If you like sesame seeds, they are a wonderful source of amino acids, (used to synthesize proteins) as well as vitamin E and antioxidants. So sprinkle those little babies on that salad! 

For flavor, apply olive oil to your salad (or honey mustard). Then grab a red apple (the red ones are usually the sweetest) and slice up some wedges and mix it in and violá! A simply delicious salad! I love how the sweetness of the apples contrasts with the buttery taste of the olive oil and the crunchy sesame seeds mix together to create something wonderful. 

Second Dish: Cheesy Fries

For those long lines at lunch right after chapel you can make cheesy fries (created by Elisabeth Lee).

First, you get fries from the bistro.

Then get cheese from the sandwich bar (preferably shredded) and sprinkle it on the fries.

Then lastly, microwave it for 1 min (or however long it takes the cheese to fully melt)

You can add the heavenly combination of ranch and chipotle sauce for a spicy kick! 

Third Dish: Lettuce Wrap Burger 

For the lovely gluten-free people who are craving a burger, I have the perfect recipe for you! 

If you are not gluten-free, this recipe might be good to try out if you want to be healthier. 

First, ask Pascual (the bistro area) to make you a burger patty. Then head over to the salad bar to get lettuce for the ‘bun.’ 

At lunch: You can add pickles from the sandwich bar and chipotle sauce. At dinner: You can add pickles from the burger station right next to the ketchup, ranch, and BBQ sauce dispensers. 

You can also add grilled onions to your burger too from the pizza bar next to the fries.

Fourth Dish: Dessert

I have the biggest sweet tooth, and if you’re anything like me, I always have room for dessert—no matter how full I am! 

Cinnamon Swiel: creation by me! I like to add a sprinkle of cinnamon to vanilla ice cream. You can also do this by mixing Cinnamon Toast Crunch. (I think they’re both delicious!) 

Vivacious Vinegar Vanilla: For those of you who enjoy trying new things, I think you’ll like this recipe! Grab a bowl or cone of vanilla ice cream and pour a spoonful of balsamic vinegar on it. 

Trust me, it’s delicious! It has something to do with the acidity of the balsamic and the acidity of the milk in the vanilla to create something wow!

Coffee + Vanilla: I love coffee almost as much as the next person. If you are partial to coffee in the DC, then you will most certainly enjoy this creation! If you’re not a coffee person, Earl Grey tea is a wonderful alternative! Grab a bowl of vanilla ice cream and add a splash of coffee and a dash of cinnamon to it. 

Cookies + (ice)Cream: Don’t you love a classic? You can never go wrong with crumbled cookies and ice cream in a mug! 

I hope these delightful creations help you the next time you are in the DC. Now go make something delicious!