Words of Warriors Four of My Most Embarrassing Moments at Westmont

Within my limited 18 years of life experience, I’ve noticed that the moments you remember most vividly are the ones that most embarrass you. I’ve chosen four of these moments that stick out from my freshman year to share, and I hope you can laugh with me—and maybe learn some handy tips about Westmont.

#1: During a study break in the big conference room upstairs in Voskuyl Library, one of my study buddies introduced the group to a YouTube video called the “Pink Windmill Kids.” It’s as weird as it sounds, but we laughed, screamed, and re-enacted our hearts out. An hour and a half later, when we were deep in the trenches of Australian comedy routines, we decided to head to bed. As we left the library, every single person turned to watch us leave. Seeing the knowing smirks on their faces, we realized that they had heard everything...and that’s when we learned that none of the study rooms are soundproof.

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#2: One afternoon on my way to lunch, I completely missed the small half-steps that appear sporadically along the walkway on the side of Voskuyl Library. I didn’t even try to pick up my foot, and my phone and coffee went flying as I fell flat on my face. As I picked myself up from the ground, I looked over and realized I had wiped out in front of a large-windowed classroom: I had become a klutzy spectacle for the entirety of a 20-person class. Thankfully, I’m now fully aware that Westmont is riddled with half-steps and abnormally shaped hills, strategically placed to bring about the demise of unsuspecting pedestrians.

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#3: My friends and I decided to play sardines in Winter Hall one night, first semester freshman year. It was past midnight, and we were starting a new round when a Public Safety officer walked in with a flashlight. One of my friends yelled: “It’s the police! RUN!” causing everyone to stampede towards the emergency exit. Some of us looped back, feeling guilty because we thought that the people who didn’t make it out in time would be in trouble. We found them having a friendly conversation with the Public Safety officer, and he told us that Winter Hall is open until 1 a.m. for all sorts of shenanigans, and that all he wanted to do was ask us how our night was going and how much longer we were planning on hanging around. Lesson learned: playing sardines in Winter will not get you “arrested,” and Public Safety officers are super nice.

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#4: During one of the first few weeks of school, I was eating lunch with some new friends. I was doing a great job socializing, when I reached to take a sip of my Dr. Pepper—and dropped the entire thing into the lap of one of my new-found buddies. The cup was full, and completely covered his clothes, shoes, and food. I tried to apologize and clean it up with napkins, but I also couldn’t stop laughing at my clumsy mistake. He ended up leaving pretty quickly. But don’t worry, we’re still friends! I’ve realized that at Westmont, it doesn’t matter if you trip a few times, or spill a few drinks on people—yes, I did it again—as long as you can laugh at yourself, your mistakes become memories, and your mishaps make friends.

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