International Student Stories

Hey Friends!

My name is Andres Quiros, and I come from San Jose, Costa Rica. The way Westmont’s community genuinely cares and goes out of their way for others drew me here. At Westmont, people have shaped my walk with Christ by being truly present in the moment. God opened the doors of Westmont, and I couldn’t be more thankful.

Lacking the financial resources to afford tuition at a school in the United States, I didn’t think I could attend Westmont. However, coming to college was a dream for me, so I started working harder, improved my grades, and focused on soccer to earn academic and athletic scholarships. When I applied to Westmont, the Lord provided the right amount of financial aid to make my attendance possible.

Westmont has made a great spiritual impact on my life. During my first year, I found it difficult to open up and share my testimony. I needed a certain amount of trust to tell my story. Now, I know that God is doing something special in my life, and I can’t keep it to myself. He has changed the way I trust people, so I tell my story to everyone—mainly because it’s His story, not mine.

I’m excited to be on the team to grow Westmont's international community! I know it will enrich the experience of all students and strengthen Westmont to be an even more influential global leader. I hope you will consider joining us!

Blessings from your fellow international student,

Andres Quiros