Supervisor Resources Manager's Toolkit

The Staff Recruitment and Hiring Process

Perhaps the most important thing you will do as a manager is to hire the right person to join your team. Human Resources wants to ensure you feel well equipped in this strategic area. To that end, we have created this toolkit to assist you in hiring the right person for your open position. As we partner together in the recruiting process, we encourage you to review the following information and utilize these helpful resources.

Happy Recruiting!

The following Pyramid Timeline of Events in the recruiting process is intended to assist and inform you as you prepare to add a staff member to your department. This provides you with an overview of the recruiting and hiring process. To view and print the document in its entirety, click here.


HR Timeline


Job Description 


Diversity Conversation

Posting & Advertising 

Reviewing & Communicating with Applicants

Screening & Initial Interviewing with HR

Interview with Managers

Evaluating Candidates

Background Checks & References


Closing the Recruit