Westmont News Trailhead Offers Programs to High School Students

Westmont’s Gaede Institute for the Liberal Arts offers two pre-college programs for high school students this summer: Trailhead: Seeking God’s Call, a seminar for students interested in exploring the concept and content of vocation.

Trailhead: Seeking God’s Call

Learn More About the Trailhead Program

Young adults have times when they might discern what God is calling them to do and be. But most of us fail to really discern or to decide; we just follow the path our culture and peer group prescribe as we attend college, choose a major and begin a career. What would it mean to really explore the possibilities for our lives from the perspective of faith? READ MORE

Trailhead: Seeking God's Call is a vocational exploration program for high school youth ready to embark on a life of significance. Designed by Westmont’s Gaede Institute for the Liberal Arts and supported by the Lilly Endowment, Trailhead assembles Westmont faculty and community partners—professionals in business, nonprofits and the ministry—to help young people consider how their abilities and passions meet in a true vocation. If you know rising high school students (sophomores through seniors) who would like to spend two weeks this summer thinking about God’s leading in their lives, head to westmont.edu/trailhead to learn more about this exciting new program.